Who Are We

We are a family of four preparing for new adventures on the high seas aboard SV MAKA. Adventure and experiences hold a greater significance in our lives than houses and cars. We tried the house in the suburbs and the minivan, but they never seemed to fit (or maybe we didn’t fit them).

For most of our adult lives we’ve lived in Nashville, Tennessee. It’s where we met, it’s where our babies were born, and it’s where we’ve called home. We’ve been hoping to venture out to try a new city but have yet to find one that checks all the boxes.

In response to this ongoing quest to find a place that fits, we’re starting a nomadic lifestyle to broaden our search.

For now, home is where the anchor drops.

  • LIZ


  • LEAH






The moms


Mommy, Admiral

Hailing from Nashville, Tennessee

LIFE Liz grew up in a small town in middle Tennessee. She’s been working since she was a pre-teen and was the first person in her family to go to college.

For the last fifteen years she’s worked in Economic Development and found meaning in a job that contributes to the greater community. She served on the board of directors for Special Olympics of Tennessee and has found incredible joy in that form of service. Teetering on a mid-life crisis, she is eager to pause on the corporate world to pour into the job of guiding Carter and Collins in their growth and education.

Sailing She grew up on the lakes in Tennessee, but she was the passenger and snack master, never the one to take the wheel. She began sailing in 2019 and quickly knew this was something she wanted more of. She made her way through ASA classes and found a new sense of peace on the ocean. As the family planner and chef, she's found her strengths are best used for navigation, passage planning, and general deck hand responsibilities. She's working to master the line duties, fender deployment, and anchor drop.

She is happiest when taking care of her crew.


Momma, Captain

Hailing from Nashville, Tennessee

LIFE Leah was raised on the music-infused waters of Florence, Alabama. Growing up, her hobbies had hobbies, and that opened doors to her true passions in both the arts and the great outdoors. Whether she was hiking sections of the Appalachian Trail, crafting pieces of art, flying, or composing music, Leah's heart was forever captivated by adventure and the creative realm.

In a remarkably short time after college, she found herself leading Human Resources at Gibson Guitars, and for the past decade, she has been working for a dynamic financial marketing group. Amid the hustle and bustle of work and the responsibilities of motherhood, moments for artistic pursuits and adventure dwindled. Nevertheless, there remains an irresistible pull towards her creative passions that she can’t ignore. The world changed in 2020 and part of that change offered freedom to work from anywhere. If anywhere is an option then maybe everywhere will work for now.

Leah is happiest when she is creating and tinkering. SV MAKA is proving to be an excellent source of tinkering with all the repairs and refits needed.

SAILING A lifelong power boater, she has only recently found the joy that comes with sailing and the pain that comes with boat repairs.

The kids


Hailing from: Nashville, Tennessee

She has the wisdom and grace of an old soul and a strong commitment to following rules and doing what's right.

She is a kind and generous friend.

She is a loving and sensitive daughter.

She immerses herself in books with an insatiable appetite for reading. She loves music, handwork, animals, and most all creative outlets.

Her current favorite animal is a dog.


Hailing from: Nashville, Tennessee

She is pure joy and love and shines with the brightness of the sun.

She is a body constantly in motion.

She is generous with her love and with affection.

She is fast.

She is smart.

She is strong.

Her current favorite animal is a wolf, a tiger, and a red panda (who could pick just one?)